What Is Cord Blood? | CryoCyte

Author: CryoCyte
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https://cryocytellc.com/ - If you're an expecting parent, you've likely heard a ton about the benefits of umbilical cord blood, and umbilical cord tissue banking. Many expecting parents, however, have questions like: "What is cord blood?" and "How can cord blood benefit my family?" Watch here to learn more. ------ Video Transcription: You’ve probably heard lots of talk about umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord tissue banking --- about how beneficial it can be and how it’s a great investment. Question is - how do you know it’s a great investment? To really understand why cord blood and tissue banking is so beneficial, you need to understand what cord blood can do! Allow us to explain. Cord blood is the leftover blood that remains in a baby’s umbilical cord and placenta following birth. What makes the blood so special is that it’s enriched with “hematopoietic stem cells” or HSCs -- which are highly potent, progenitor cells that can develop into any and all of the blood or immune related cells in your body. This is useful for two reasons… Number one: Blood and immune cells have a finite lifespan. When one dies, your body recruits an HSC to replace it. The HSC specializes, (or differentiates) into the type of cell that needs replacing. And number two, sometimes our genes encode for blood and immune cells don’t work properly; causing often deadly disorders such as: leukemias, lymphomas, certain blood disorders like sickle cell anemia, metabolic disorders, neurologic, auto-immune disorders and many more. Replacing someone’s malfunctioning HSCs with properly functioning cord blood HSCs can often cure them of these terrible disorders. An entirely different, but equally powerful group of stem cells located in the umbilical cord tissue are called Mesenchymal Stem Cells or MSCs. Here’s how MSCs work. The tissues and organs of the human body are made of diverse and specialized cells. MSCs have shown the ability to transform into many different cell types including muscle, fat, cartilage, bone, and neurons. Each of these cell types, when damaged or dying, needs to be replaced. When an MSC receives the correct signals, it can replace a dying or damaged cell. MSCs also have tremendous power to affect the cells around it by secreting powerful growth factors and other chemical signals for repair called cytokines. MSCs ability to transform into different tissues for replacement, as well as their ability to cause internal repair make it an obvious choice for the growing field of regenerative medicine. This is why it’s a wise decision to cryogenically store your baby’s cord blood and tissue so that it can be saved for later use. At Cryocyte, cryopreserved cord blood and tissue are safely stored, and ready for use, whenever you need them. Our scientists have an outstanding record of stem cell recovery and transplant success, and we are committed to providing the best stem cell recovery and processing at the lowest possible price. Cryocyte has been a leader in stem cell banking for over ten years. Contact us to learn more about cord blood banking, processing and storage packages, or simply enroll now.
