Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells ~ Miracle or Scam? #503

Author: Secrets of Longevity
3914 View
5m 55s Lenght
16 Rating

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  1. A good initiative indeed to spread the awareness through a video. I totally agree with what you said. However the correct figure for its use is - 1 in 2700. If 2700 parents bank their baby's cord blood one might use it in future. But there is a better option that's PUBLIC Banking. For Canada you may refer to this site
  2. Thank you for that. I have 3 young children and I did regret passing on the cord blood until I saw this video.
  3. I'd probably get cord blood frozen if I could easily afford it, sure it's not used much now, but what about the future? Who knows what discoveries or purposes stem cells could end up being used for.. like.. clones!.. Also the Ancient Chinese refer to your eyebrows as longevity eyebrows.. How fitting.. It's said the eyebrows are the 'Insurance Officer', the guard to which a person uses their knowledge to ensure their well-being (how proactive, how health oriented, how clear-minded, how rational) I have this feature too :P... I apologise if it sounds like Pseudoscience... Also, I agree with Ihasface.. digging this channel!
  4. diggin this channel 
  5. okey thnx
  6. Thanks man and yes marketing is huge in terms of repackaging things that just don't work all that well.
  7. SICK INTRO. Really pumped me up dude. There are SO MANY stories of medical successes like these, but advancements and cures found from natural therapies are never covered. What I am starting to see is that most of people's beliefs about medicine are influenced by marketing of the life science industries. marketing, not facts, science, or logic. Marketing. If this has low harm, and high benefit then great, I haven't looked into it in detail and am not interested.
  8. I'm not religious. I talk about my beliefs in this video of mine below, but don't bother subscribing to this old channel of mine as all future vlogs are just going to be posted on this channel anyways: /watch?v=T9qh3hkT0rY
  9. I can do that for sure.
  10. random: make a video about your thoughts on ray peat
  11. what's your religion